After Prague (will post about it really soon, I promise :-)), I came back home a few days and didn't even have time to feel home: I'm now in Berlin for LinuxTag. Interestingly, I was surprisingly happy to walk in Berlin after landing earlier in the evening. I'm not quite sure why, but I guess it means I have a positive feeling for the city. Also good to see that I'm having fun speaking (or maybe I should say trying to speak) German, while back in school, this was really something I disliked. I guess that's because I now choose to speak German instead of being forced to do so...

I'm getting quite excited about LinuxTag since it will be my first time attending this event, and I wonder how it will be in comparison of the other big events I know. But from what I've heard, that's a pretty decent event :-) It will also be a good occasion to meet a lot of openSUSE people -- always good to put faces on names. Oh, and I've heard there are some cool openSUSE stickers on the booth, so everybody should come and say hi! Hopefully, there'll also be a good bunch of GNOME friends there (can't wait to see them again), and I'll obviously be glad to talk about GNOME with everybody patient enough to listen to me.

On Saturday morning, I'll give a talk around and cross-desktop collaboration during the GNOME track. Of course, as usual for me, my slides are... err... not finished yet ;-) But it's nearly there, really: I just need to sit down and put on paper^Wthe slides what is already completely ready in my brain -- it shouldn't take too long...