Saturday 22 March 2008
What I've been doing today...
vuntz@buildmachine ~/>./bin/create-summaries --output-database ~/data.db vuntz@buildmachine ~/>python Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Sep 21 2007, 22:46:31) [GCC 4.2.1 (SUSE Linux)] on linux2 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> import sqlite3 >>> db=sqlite3.connect('/suse/vuntz/data.db') >>> c=db.cursor() >>> c.execute('select count(*) from patch where srcpackage = (select id from srcpackage where name = "gnome-panel")').fetchone()[0] 25 >>> c.execute('select count(*) from rpmlint').fetchone()[0] 7120 >>> c.execute('select count(*) from rpmlint where type="not-listed-as-documentation"').fetchone()[0] 6388 >>> c.execute('select count(*) from srcpackage where version < upstream_version').fetchone()[0] 26
Quick answers to some FAQ:
- yes, I know, the UI isn't really user-friendly ;-)
- this demo is really short, more can be done right now. And after a bit more work, there'll be some more data in there to query.
- there are certainly bugs when collecting the data, so I wouldn't trust the returned values. It still gives a rough idea of how things are.
- it's only working on packages where upstream is hosted on the GNOME FTP server. That's mainly for convenience reasons; adding other packages later shouldn't be hard.
- yes, there are lots of gnome-panel patches in our package. I'll look at them in a not too distant future.
- most of the rpmlint warnings (6388 out of 7120 -- this includes some false positives, but still) seem to be related to this bug. The good news is that I attached a simple patch earlier today.
I love my job :-)
1. julo [22/03/2008@12:37]
2. Vincent [22/03/2008@12:45]