I'm surprised nobody noticed that we now features a cool new splash screen:
It rocks, doesn't it? :-)
Thanks to Thomas for making the splash screen contest possible on GNOME Art and jimmac for choosing the winning entry. You can see why he chose it on GNOME Art.
1. Espen [06/09/2005@21:44]
2. Alan [06/09/2005@21:53]
3. Vincent [06/09/2005@21:56]
4. Dennis [06/09/2005@21:58]
5. hrm [06/09/2005@22:24]
6. jonner [06/09/2005@23:01]
7. Sykil [07/09/2005@00:14]
8. jp [07/09/2005@03:08]
9. James [07/09/2005@04:22]
10. erich [08/09/2005@14:55]