I saw many people using this image and then I saw this post. Heh.
I guess I'll have a good time with the KDE people there. Belgium, here I come!
Yay! Certificates are the latest hot topic. I had a discussion about this with a few people back at the RMLL because lots of users there were complaining about it. I have no strong opinion on this myself, but it strikes me that Mozilla could help here.
The worst problem is self-signed certificates, which are especially common in our free software world. People have commented that using CAcert should help, but as long as the CAcert root certificates are not installed by default with your browser, this won't help much. And it seems this is not going to happen (well, at least for Firefox) because of Mozilla's CA certificate policy. I guess other browsers have a similar policy, and the policy itself probably makes some sense.
So what can Mozilla do? Let's look at the Mozilla Manifesto (which seems to be offline at the moment -- but you can look at the archived version). The fourth principle is related to this issue and reads as Individuals' security on the Internet is fundamental and cannot be treated as optional.
. And then in the Mozilla Foundation pledge, you can read use the Mozilla assets (intellectual property such as copyrights and trademarks, infrastructure, funds, and reputation) to keep the Internet an open platform
. Can you see where I'm heading?
I believe the Mozilla Foundation could use some of its assets to be a certificate authority that operates in a compitable way with its own CA certificate policy. It would offer this service to non-commercial entities that respects some criteria. I'm not going to put a list of potential criteria here, but I guess many free software projects would qualify and would benefit of this. This would fix what Chris highlights in his post, ie, the fact that it affects the free software community more than others. And it would also help improve the user experience web, which is one of Mozilla's missions.
[18:51] | [Web] | [#483] | [10 comments]
I heard here and there people wondering about the Boston Summit this year: Will it happen or not? When will it be? Where? Who? What? Why? 42?
It turns out we're starting to have most of the answers to those questions. And I'll leak them now because I'm sure it will help a few people -- there'll probably an official announce with a nice mail and everything later. First, of course it's going to happen :-) And you can already find the important details on the wiki page:
So you can start booking everything and tell us you're coming! If you want to step up and help with the organization, I'm pretty sure you'll be welcome. A good first task would be to help writing an official announce, for example ;-) But you can also propose a session, or help create a schedule for the summit, or propose a few places where people can meet in the evening... I guess many people already know the drill.
Just one small warning: we're trying to organize a small hackfest related to user experience the week before the Summit (I'm saying trying
because we're still looking at the financial side of it so we can't confirm it yet). There'd be some hackers, artists and of course UI people. If you think there's a good reason for you to attend this hackfest, then the first thing is to wait a bit before booking your travel for the Summit. No, really, you don't want to book a flight for the Summit and then realize you also want to book a flight for the hackfest :-) Once you're convinced to wait, send a mail to Owen and me. Only around 10 people would attend this hackfest, and we already have some people in mind, but maybe we didn't think about you yet... Hopefully, we'll have more details about this hackfest in a not-too-distant future.
Henri Bergius is a former Viking based in the Nordic country of Finland...
[18:18] | [GNOME] | [#481] | [7 comments]
Slides and details will be posted later. Discuss :-)
[16:43] | [GNOME] | [#480] | [20 comments] | [2 trackbacks]
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