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Wednesday 8 June 2005

Mark is a magician

I'm starting to believe that Mark is a magician. Not a code magician, we already all know that he is a code magician. But someone who can go in your soul and influence your decisions. And maybe take decisions in your place. Who knows?

Here's my advise: next time you talk to Mark, you should really be careful. Use something to protect yourself from spells.

Or maybe he's a leprechaun. I don't know. He's irish ;-)

Thursday 2 June 2005

No post-GUADEC blues

I came back from GUADEC yesterday evening. Thanks to Daniel for the nice trip and his comments about swiss people that made us laugh.

GUADEC simply rocked: I'm more motivated than ever, and my list of interesting things to do is also fuller than ever. Jeff's 10x10 talk was great and Glynn's 101 Things to Know about GNOME was so fantastic I think we'll translate it into french so we can show it. I also enjoyed Owen's talk about Cairo and the other ones I attended.

Davyd and I found some time to talk about applets and where we should go. We now have a nice and sensible plan, and I'm pretty excited about it since it should make applets more consistent and easier to write.

The french people (as for example, these two guys) also found some time to meet and discuss a bit about GNOME-FR. We have some really great ideas (short term and long term) and I hope everything will just work out fine.

Tuesday 31 May 2005


I'm enjoying my last day at GUADEC, in the nice city of Stuttgart.

It's really great to meet all these people and well... a lot of them seem to be smaller than what I imagined ;-)

Oh, and there are some crazy french people here:

Crazy french people

Friday 27 May 2005

Stuttgart, me voilà !

Je pars pour le GUADEC dans quelques minutes : je vais d'abord chercher Sébastien à la gare avant d'aller retrouver Daniel pour un long voyage. J'espère que Sébastien aura fait un bon choix de musique...

Heureusement que j'ai imprimé une photo de notre idole. Elle devrait nous porter chance ;-)

Monday 23 May 2005

New Planet GNOME (and Planète GNOME-FR) layout

Since yesterday, Planet GNOME features a fancy new layout. And Planète GNOME-FR quickly followed and adopted the new layout too. Yay!

However, Dom doesn't like the new layout and he's probably not the only one. I agree with some of his arguments (especially the weight of the page), so I made a light version of Planète GNOME-FR, using the old design. It should make some people happy :-) It can probably be a good solution for Planet GNOME too.

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by Vincent