This was my second FOSDEM, and it was really great to meet people again. Like last year, it's not possible to do everything you'd love to do since there's just too much interesting talks and too many people you'd want to talk with. I guess it shows how good FOSDEM is at attracting people :-)
GNOME devroom
The GNOME devroom was quite successful, thanks to Christophe and all the speakers. It was nearly full for some talks, which is quite impressive since, I believe, more than 200 people can sit down there. The talks in the devroom were great, and everybody will probably agree that Mirco's talk was the most well-received, since the audience succeeded in triggering an alarm with applauses. The name badges and the t-shirts we had were fantastic (thanks Guillaume!), and I hope Foundation members were happy to have free t-shirts (yay for GNOME-FR!). Unfortunately, people who didn't register on the wiki page could not always get the t-shirt since we didn't have enough in the end.

Of course, there are still things to improve for next year. Number one priority will to have a stand, I guess. If you have some ideas for next year about our GNOME presence at FOSDEM, share them!
Love Wall
Since I arrived quite early on the first day, I could find a big empty spot that was perfect for a love wall. It was funny to look at people walking and stopping just to read the feedback that was written there, and then contributing.

Here's what people told us they love after a few hours:

And here's what people think we should fix (after a few hours too):

Stefan and Sébastien took the notes and here's the result. Reading the comments is interesting (especially the negative ones, even if some are not really helpful), so give them a look.
If you met a weird guy with a camera asking people if they agree to be on a photo to show how much they love GNOME, then you met me :-) I finally tried to turn into reality this idea I had since a long time. It's far from being perfect (you can see that I'm really not good at taking photos, I couldn't print the image in color, and I would have needed more time to take a lot more photos), but I still like the result. Browse the gallery to see some GNOME lovers (they're not all GNOME users, but they all love GNOME):

Of course, Google had a stand at FOSDEM. They had a box of an interesting gadget, the Pepper Pad 3. I talked a bit with one of the Googlers to know more about it, and before taking a photo of him, I asked him if I could get this device. He unfortunately told me that I had to put my name on a paper to have a chance to win it.
On Sunday, I was already out of the building, and leaving for the airport when Sébastien ran after me to tell me that I was the lucky winner of the
Pepper Pad. It's not the N800 that could replace my 770, but it's nonetheless an interesting device, running Fedora, using GTK+ and metacity :-)
Thanks Google!
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