Il y a des sons qui ne trompent pas... Une voiture qui roule sur de la neige en fait partie.
Quand j'ai entendu les voitures ce matin, je me suis levé tout de suite. Il neige. La journée ne peut que bien commencer ainsi.
Il y a des sons qui ne trompent pas... Une voiture qui roule sur de la neige en fait partie.
Quand j'ai entendu les voitures ce matin, je me suis levé tout de suite. Il neige. La journée ne peut que bien commencer ainsi.
[10:21] | [Ma vie] | [#345] | [5 comments]
Dominique de Villepin, par l'intermédiaire du Monde :
La situation reste difficile dans un grand nombre de quartiers, nous ne pouvons pas accepter que plus de 200 voitures brûlent chaque nuit.
Donc, moins de 200, c'est acceptable ?
[16:04] | [Mon avis] | [#344] | [7 comments]
As promised yesterday, here are some instructions to smoketest GNOME 2.13.2. Right now, only one or two people are doing this before the release. We need more people so we're sure to catch any potential problem.
First, build all the modules. This takes time, but you can leave your computer alone and it will do most of it ;-)
jhbuild -m bootstrap build meta-bootstrap jhbuild -m build meta-gnome-desktop
If the build fails for you, please contact the release team or ask on IRC. But it shouldn't fail.
Once the build is finished, it's time to test GNOME:
in the test user home directory,.xsession
file for the test user containing:exec /path/to/jhbuild run gnome-session
where /path/to
is the path where you installed jhbuild.
You can then log in as the test user into your jhbuilt GNOME and verify that everything is working fine. If it's not, please contact the release team or ask on IRC.
Ready to go?
Update: the build fails right now, we're waiting for a libgnome release. I'll update this post once it's out.
Update: everything should be okay, now (well, in a few minutes, once the FTP is synchronized). Smoketesters are welcome :-)
[17:56] | [GNOME] | [#343] | [9 comments]
Si vous avez envie d'un bon repas, sans sortir de chez vous, et si vous être sur Grenoble, alors j'ai ce qu'il vous fait : Resto Chez Vous. C'est un service qui livre à domicile des plats préparés dans des restaurants grenoblois. Et il y a de quoi choisir dans la carte !
C'est forcément un peu plus cher que la pizza du coin, mais c'est bien meilleur. Et le livreur est très gentil.
[23:27] | [Mon avis] | [#342] | [11 comments]
Three weeks ago, Elijah asked me to write an entry explaining how to participate in the release process. I told him I'd do it the next day. So, here we are, three weeks later :-)
It all started with a discussion in the release team about how we could involve more people in the release process. Sometimes after the discussion, Elijah sent this mail. But I believe not enough people have seen it and I'm pretty sure there are a lot of people reading the planet who wonder what can I do for GNOME?
. If you're wondering this, search no further.
There are a lot of ways to contribute to GNOME, and GNOME Love is well known. Some people think it's difficult to get in, but it's not. It's really easy and you can even help with our release process. There are many areas where you can help for the release process, but three of them are the most important:
See, there is a lot of stuff where you can help. If you want to help in some other way but don't know how, look at this page. And if after this you're still lost, don't be afraid: ask. If you don't want to send a mail to a mailing list, send a mail to someone. If you don't get an answer, try again. You know, GNOME contributors are busy people. But also nice people :-)
Do you want to contribute? I know you want.
[23:05] | [GNOME] | [#341] | [2 comments]
Maybe I'm too used to people saying "it's crap", or to receiving tons of bugzilla mail for the panel, but the feedback I have received for pessulus has been completely positive. It seems a lot of people are glad to see this kind of tool for GNOME. This makes me feel really good. Thanks to everyone who sent a nice message!
People made some good suggestions, translators have already started their fantastic job and Dennis Cranston submitted two HIG patches (two, because I broke the HIG after he committed the first one ;-)). Also, after some discussion with Alex, pessulus contains some glue so that Sabayon can use it (and it already does). Rock!
Oh, by the way, pessulus 0.2 is out. Check it out! There's still room for improvement, so contributions are of course welcome ;-) Feel free to send a mail if you want to help.
[20:35] | [GNOME] | [#340] | [2 comments]
Vincent (not me, but the other Vincent) improved a bit the performance of gnome-system-log lately. As he's not on the planet, I thought it would be nice to share his results with more people. He's measuring the launching time when opening a 2.9MB log.
Release | 2.12.2 | 2.13.1 | cvs - Nov 5 | cvs - Nov 8 |
Launching time | 43s | 5.7s | 2.9s | 2.1s |
Vincent: I'll buy you something to drink once you're back in France :-)
[18:08] | [GNOME] | [#339] | [one comment]
Vous vous souvenez peut-être de la nouvelle photo sur le site du département Télécom d'INP Grenoble Télécom. Et bien on peut la retrouver aussi chez Iris Formation, dans la rubrique Admissions-Contacts (pas de lien direct, c'est du flash...).
À croire que cet étudiant est partout ;-)
Màj : il vient de là. Et vous pouvez voir sa bande de copains en cherchant étudiant université
sur le site... Ah, qu'est-ce qu'ils sont beaux !
[11:07] | [Web] | [#338] | [2 comments]
, sur une affiche avec un drapeau américain en fond et un clipart de dinde. Alors, je me demande plusieurs choses :
thank givinget pas
la? On ne dit pas
pour la Noël...
Pourquoi ne fêterait-on pas les fêtes iraniennes ? Ou indiennes ? Ah, suis-je bête, cela ne parle pas à assez de personnes et donc ça ne rapporte pas autant, je suppose.
[20:31] | [Mon avis] | [#337] | [9 comments]
Ou plutôt, avec un prénom pas comme les autres : Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb11116. Pas facile à retenir ;-)
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