Wednesday 18 March 2009
GNOME 2.26 is here
One good thing done for today :-) Many thanks to everybody involved, and especially Frédéric who worked hard on the release notes in the last few days, coordinating the work with translators! We made sure to release tarballs for almost everything, so we can deliver all the latest bug fixes and translations to the world.
People can already use this new version of GNOME since most distributions have packaged it; I also heard there will be virtual machines up soon for testing. It's really great to see our work reach the users that fast!
Now time to relax or party :-)
1. kde fan [18/03/2009@22:18]
2. ChamPro [18/03/2009@22:19]
3. Guillermo [18/03/2009@22:31]
4. Vincent [18/03/2009@22:39]
5. Marius Gedminas [18/03/2009@23:07]
6. Vincent [18/03/2009@23:20]
7. I Love [19/03/2009@19:42]
8. Cypher [19/03/2009@23:02]
9. jospoortvliet [20/03/2009@15:44]
10. Darwin Survivor [20/03/2009@17:02]
11. Vincent [29/03/2009@23:19]